Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Belt and Sting

If there is one implement that I *fear* it is the belt.  I have no basis for this fear.  A belt has never been used on me.  I have never even slapped one across my own hand.  Yet, when I think about different implements, this is the one that brings dread.  There is something inside me that sort of worries over it.
Wooden implements are used on me the most.  I am accustomed to them.  I know what to expect.  I have a healthy respect for Daddie Mickey's huge wooden spoon that is so big, the spoon part cups and covers one cheek!  The hairbrush in Miss Jenn's hands gets the same respect..  I don't exactly *like* either one.  I do know what to expect though.  They know they will get my attention and get the message across to me.  *If*, there is a message.
If it is a fast sting, *that*, can drop me to my knees in an instant.  I think that is some of my fear with the belt.  I have turned around and grabbed a tawse out of the hand of a Dominant after just one stroke.  I let them know that there would not be a second.  Not a great thing for a submissive to do.  I just knew that the sting was so intense from that one stroke that I would lose my composure and not be able to continue in the scene.  (Some learned to bind me after that, lol!)
Even with a good warm up, there is something about implements that are meant to sting that I have a love/hate relationship with.  When the sting floods me, I have been known to also have a flood of bad words fly out of my mouth.  Not good for a girl who is not allowed to use curse words, ever.  (yeah, I have used a couple of those not so good words throughout this blog but haven't been told I was in trouble for it.  Even, hell and damn are not allowed, how lame is that?)
How come, when in the process of being spanked and naughty words come out of the mouth because it HURTS, the Spanker responds by spanking harder and faster?  I am not exactly sure how that is suppose to stop the flow of forbidden words.  Well, except that it usually does take my breath away and I am not exactly capable of saying anything then, lol.  I know that some Dominants and Disciplinarians will stop the spanking and wash your mouth out with soap.  I have been made to watch a mouth soaping and been told to be sure to watch my words or I would get the same treatment.  I *think* she was kidding, but I am not sure.
Back to the belt.... I know that for some bottoms the whole process of having the belt taken off, folded in half or wrapped around a hand, is very important.  It is part of the ritual that they want or need.  The sound of the strike is so completely different from a wooden paddle.  I understand that.  I get it. Some things are just kinda hard-wired in our brains.  For me, just the threat of a belt being used makes me think twice...three...four times!
I do pretty well with staying within the boundaries around me.  When I was threatened with a belt recently, for whining or acting like a brat, it was MORE than enough to convince me to not whine or be bratty.  I think that if a belt or strap were hanging on the wall instead of a paddle, I would be the best behaved girl in Washington.
What implement makes you go weak in the knees (and not in a good way) when you think about it being used on you?
For those of you who do the spanking, what are YOU thinking when you use an implement that you know we just can't stand?
Add comments please... I really am interested in hearing your thoughts.

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