Sunday, March 13, 2016


The abuse of alcohol by others has affected my life in horrible ways.  I saw first hand how it could change the personality and mood of others.  In my experience, it was not in a good way.  Instead of becoming an alcoholic, I became afraid of what it might do to me.  I didn't even have my first drink until I was well into my adulthood.  I was not curious about it.  I already knew the horrors it could bring.  Every male that abused me had alcohol on their breath.
Everyone pretended there was no issue.  Even neighbors that would come out and gawk at night, went about their business the next day as though nothing had happened.  No one stepped in to help.  Police were called.  Whispers were spread from person to person.  But help?  Actual help?  Totally non-existent.
Going to Alanon or Alateen meant admitting there was a problem.  No one would admit it.  It stayed a nicely wrapped package that filled the house.  No one wanted it, no one would remove it and everyone pretended it just wasn't there.
Having friends over was the equivalent of playing russian roulette.  Never knew what would happen on that day and most likely it would end badly.  There was no way to count on anything.  Just because plans were made did not mean that they were carried out.  Usually they were not.  The reason was usually alcohol.  You learn to expect nothing and to hope for even less.

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