Thursday, February 4, 2016


Strange how things can be going along just fine and then something will slip me up.  Often it is something small and insignificant, yet it seems to have the power to knock me off balance.  This time it is the thought of accountability.  Maybe not exactly small or insignificant, just pressing in my thoughts.
I feel a need for more accountability in my life right now.  I view it more as a safety net than as a set of rules.  I feel that accountability helps me to center myself.  It brings more discipline into my life and helps me make better choices.  It is not that I can't do it for myself.  A lot of the time it is more of an *I won't*  When accountability is added, I am much more likely to stick with the plan.  It is an added incentive.
Lately, I have been feeling just *out of sorts*.  Feeling a little like I am just drifting along.  Instead of calming, it is becoming more anxiety filled.  I talked to my partner about it today.  Tried to put into words what I am feeling, what I think I want and how I see it will help.  We decided that this weekend we will sit down together and write out a plan for me.  After we have agreed to it and get it down on paper, we have agreed to stick to it for 3 months.  After that we will revisit it and access how it has worked, what needs changed, or even if we wish to continue it.  We both felt that we needed to set a time frame around it.  We have always shared a D/s relationship.  This is something different that I am asking to try.  It is less service oriented and more about personal growth as well as growth in our relationship.
I am facing a challenging time right now with things from my past.  They are creeping into my day to day life.  They are having an impact on my physical and emotional health.  I have asked for more structure.  I know I will feel safer having clear boundaries and clear expectations around me.  Knowing that I will also face consequences if I choose to disregard those, isn't pleasant to me.  I simply feel that right now it is needed.

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