So, I asked for help in a subject to write about today. What I got was, why do I feel the connection I have with Mickey when She is completely in dominant mode?
For me, it has to do with feeling complete. Mickey meets this other side in me. Her confidence and strength shine through and beckon to me. I meet them with my gift of submission and surrender. Between us over the years our relationship has evolved. Trust has been built. Reliance on one another has been tested multiple times. I have a need to submit to another woman. Not just any woman. There has to be this tug inside of me. There has to be a relationship that continues to grow.
In this relationship, Mickey completes me. Our strengths and weaknesses are intertwined. She has taken the time to know me intimately on many levels.
I know that when I give my submission to her, she welcomes it with open arms. It is something she treasures as well. I complete her in a lot of the same ways.
Strong dominant confident women will always draw my attention. It is the way I am wired. That doesn't mean that I am the opposite. Outside of that relationship I am strong and confident and in some situations, very dominant. I am still just as strong, etc inside of that relationship as well. It is a choice that I make to give my submission.
When Mickey or Miss Jenn are in that dominant headspace, my response is one of submission. The relationships have developed enough that they accept and welcome that gift of submission as well. I do not submit to just anyone. As a submissive, I am strong and confident and still have a lot to give to the dominant in my life.
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