Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pain & Judgment

After a couple of days of things going better than normal physically, I am having a rough day today.  The pain is over the top.  A part of me would like to curl up and try to sleep past the pain.  Until I started experiencing pain all the time, I never realized just how exhausting physical pain is.  It has a way of absolutely draining strength.
When I am physically drained it can be difficult for me to motivate myself to do anything.  I also have noticed that I have to work hard on my attitude.  Pain can trigger a short temper.  I am very careful with my responses.  Also, I often check with others about how I am coming across to them.  I am not an angry type person.  At the same time, I know that the pain on my face can be misinterpreted as anger.  As it is, my silence is often misjudged by others and that frustrates me at times.  I don't want the pain that I cannot hide to also be misinterpreted.
We each have out own unique challenges and struggles.  No one is immune.  It seems to be far too easy to judge others simply on outward appearance.  Whether we like it or not, our society is one of judgment.  Sometimes all people see is the outside.  I have been labeled a bitch so many times.  It has been completely based on my frequent silences.  I have been accused of thinking myself somehow better than others, simply because I am quiet.  I wonder sometimes what that says about the person who judges me that way.  What is going on in their life that makes them see my quietness as a negative type judgment?
Where is the line between hiding my pain and explaining myself?  I think for me it is determined by the relationship that I have with the other person.  If I value the relationship, I am more open to explaining myself.  I am more open then to even admitting that I am in pain.  I do have a tendency to try and hide the physical pain I am experiencing, even with those closest to me.  Some of it is pride.  Some of it is not wanting pity.  Some of it is not wanting to complain.  I think all of it is trying to just put my best foot forward at all times.

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