Monday, January 11, 2016

The Guide

So, if you were to write a guide about yourself for others, what would the title be?  Would it say, *Fragile, Handle With Care*?  *Caution, Road Work Ahead*?  *Slippery When Wet*?  Oh come on, you knew I would throw something like that in! lol!
I have been guilty of telling some people that I wish they could just plug into my brain and hear my thoughts.  My voice has a habit of getting lost.  Sometimes having so much to say and the words just wont materialize. Thinking about that actually is what got me thinking about *A guide to Crie*
For each of us, that guide would look different.  I would venture to guess that it also would not be exactly the same version given out to the different people in our lives.  For myself, it already would be at least two different versions because of the age-play I participate in.
Some things though, for all of us, would be the same.  At least I would hope that they would be.  Things like: Treat with respect, kindness and love.  Always tell me the truth.  Hopefully you get the idea.  For so many, myself included, it can be difficult to express wants and needs, likes and dislikes.
I think that the *guide to ourselves* is what we give to the people in our lives a little at a time as the relationship grows.  We *learn* about one another.  I know from experience that even in a long term relationship that is healthy and intimate, it can still be difficult to express even a like or dislike.
What would a guide about you look like?  Here is an idea of what a guide to Crie would look like.

Crie:  (In no particular order)

1. Please be patient with me, I am still learning and I am teachable.
2. I welcome any and all questions and will always answer as best I can.  If I don't know, I will get back to you as soon as I can with what I do know or have found out.
3. I give respect to everyone.  I believe in second chances and understand that everyone makes mistakes.  I will take the time to earn your respect and trust.
4. I want your honesty and you will get the same from me. I will keep your confidence and respect your privacy and I hope for the same in return.  I want to be treated with kindness, not kid-gloves.
5. I am generous, but ask that you not take advantage of that. Giving is something I love.
6. Showing affection is difficult for me, so please proceed slowly and with permission if you have any doubt whether or not you are someone who can touch me.  Initiating a hug can be so difficult for me, that doesn't mean that I don't want them.  Hearing the words, *I love you* from those in my life always touches me deeply. I don't take them lightly or say them easily.
7. My quietness is just that, quietness.  It is not a reflection of you or the situation.
8. I am always ready to listen and willing to help you in any way I can.
9. I am a strong, independent, stubborn woman who has a huge heart filled with compassion.
10. For those who can touch me freely, I welcome that swat on the rear or the impromptu spanking, as much if not more than the hug, anytime, anywhere.  Both tell me that you care for me.

So, there is 10 for me, off the top of my head.  What would yours look like?
I collect elephants in all shapes and sizes both stuffed and in figurines.  I hate time-out and corner time.  I stomp my foot.  I am prone to pout but usually in fun.  I tell goofy stories.  I love the dark, the water and walking through graveyards..... I think once we get started, our lists about ourselves could just grow and grow!!  I believe the one absolute common for all of us is: We Want to Love and be Loved!!

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