Sunday, December 13, 2015

Time Away

I spent the last couple of days out of town.  It was something I was looking forward to.  No computers, no phones, just me and the love of my life.  It was wonderful!
That time reminded me that we all need to step back or take time away from the daily grind and just regroup.  Time away can be whatever we make it.  For some, time away might be reading a good book for a couple hours.  Changing the thought process for a bit.  I have found that for myself, I need time away from the memories of abuse.  They can seem all consuming and even feel that way.  Taking time away, for me, means redirecting my thought process.  Sometimes, that has to be very deliberate and is not always easy.  Life is full of so many things that have nothing to do with abuse or our pasts.  When the past is all-consuming, we are missing out on today and the joys that can be there.  Of course there is a need to deal with the past, but certainly not 24/7.  There is a need to be kind to ourselves and take some time away.

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