Monday, December 14, 2015

Spank me

Got your attention didn't I?

I didn't know discipline as a child.  No time-outs, grounding, spankings, etc.  From an early age I so wanted someone in my life who cared enough to do those things.  To enforce a grounding, expect compliance to a time-out, to deliver a spanking.

As an adult, I enjoy having my bottom warmed.  I have a partner that likes seeing my bottom pink as well.  I can say that I have never been punished.  There have been role-plays where I play the naughty girl and am spanked.  Actually being corrected in some way, held accountable for a wrongdoing?  Nope.

My upbringing left me a lot of room to figure out the world for myself.  Even though I didn't experience some things my peers did, I saw their consequences.  A lot of them, I didn't like.  As I got older, I grasped the truth that if a person broke the law, (and was caught) they were punished.

Thinking about it now : I was the little girl playing with the matches.  Who was going to tell me no?  I was fortunate enough to not burn the garage down.  I did all the same sort of stupid things kids do.  It is just that I had to figure out for myself by watching others, what was *acceptable* and what was *naughty*.  Don't get me wrong, naughty is fun.  When naughty is being done simply because you want someone to stop you, and they don't, it isn't fun anymore.  Confusion because they didn't stop me became worthlessness because they wouldn't stop me.  I felt, well sometimes still feel, that I was/am worthless.  When you watch a sibling get a spanking for doing a specific thing, and then you do the exact same thing and get ignored, how can you feel anything but worthless or totally rejected?  I wanted the spanking too.

Heck, I still want the spanking.  A spanking for punishment is not something I am very eager to experience even though I feel it is something I need.  A role play I would like to do is a Mother/daughter one.  I want to be the little girl playing with the matches and be caught doing it.  There is a smile on my face as I think about the mother in the scene scolding the little girl before taking her over her knee for a spanking.  A lot of the time, I have to be in a wheelchair.  My lower body is pretty weak.  For that role play, I can imagine the mother asking her little girl how she planned to get away if the fire got out of control.  My arms are not a heck of a lot stronger than my lower body so I have to be pushed in a manual chair, or be in my electric one.  The thought of this scene makes me smile.  Why?  Because it shows an authority figure caring and being concerned enough about her child to do something about it.  (No, I do not believe that spanking should be used on an actual child.  I believe that spanking should always be consensual and be between adults only.)

So, I am an adult who enjoys being spanked.  Sue me, or better yet, spank me!

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