Thursday, April 21, 2016

Stupid Medical

What can a person do when their doctors have decided that all their pain is just in their head?  What can a person do when the doctor takes x-rays and says there is nothing abnormal and two weeks later the ER takes the same x-rays and says they see a lot of damage?  That is the boat I am in at the moment.  My new general physician does not believe my diagnosis.  Doesn't believe I am in constant severe pain.  She has grabbed a hold of this thought that because I have PTSD, all the pain is related to that and nothing physical is actually going on.  Every other specialist I have seen disagrees with her.  They show me the test results that validate the pain and the diagnosis.  But, it is my general physician that is the one that prescribes my pain medicine.  I am at a loss here on what to do or where to turn.  My general, primary care is through the military.  I cannot request a change in doctors.  I also know that if I choose to leave Madigan hospital, I will never be allowed to return there for care.  I will have to be in the civilian world of medicine from then on.  None of my insurance changes.  I am very well covered medically with three different insurances.  I am thinking it is time to cut ties with the military forever.  They have been good to me up until about eighteen months ago when they put me with this new doctor.  This woman has her own ideas about the problems with my body and just won't listen to me or to the specialists I see.
I am not a big fan of the medical profession in general at the moment.


  1. Crie, by way of introduction, we have a mutual friend, Miss Jenn. I also am a Service connected Veteran, as are you. Crie, if you have not already done so, seek out the help of the Patient Advocate and let him know your concerns and desires to switch Docs. You have that right without fear of contradiction it outting your care in jeopardy.
    Secondly, as regards your healthcare, you can certainly seek a second opinion and treatment without fear of losing your rights to being seen at Madigan or any other Dept of Defense Medical facility as well as the VA. I am treated at the VA personally, but cannot see where you would lose anything re: Madigan should seek a second opinion. It is your Health and you have that right and power.

    BTW, you are one heck of a good writer.

    1. Thanks Edward for the information and the compliment. Both are much appreciated.
